• Corporate Social Responsibility in the Field of Labor, Health and Safety.


    The Company realizes that good management of Human Resources (HR), Occupational Safety and Health (K3) will be able to bring mazimum impact to the Company. The importance of aatention to aspects of employment and Occupational Health and Safety, directly and indirectly supporting employee productivitiy. Employees are the main capital for the Company, so the Company is committed to creating a safe, comfortable and healthy work environment, to support employees achieving their best potential and to create employees welfare.

    Program and Activitiy

    In order to be able to distribute knowledge in the field of employment, the Company through STMC support PrimeBiz hotels to work with vocational schools around the hotel by providing knowledge to school student about real-work in real-time in the field carried out with On the Job Training.
    Beside that, as a parent company, the Company always encourage STMC to pay attention to the health and safety of employees while carrying out daily work activities. To ensure the safety of the work environment, Primebiz Hotel complements the work area with fire detectors, light fire extinguishers (APAR), hydrants, evacuation routes, and other safety equipment provided in the hotel building area. While in carrying out work activities all employees of the Company and STMC have the same opportunity in a career without differentiating gender, ethnicity, religion or race.
    Likewise in the field of health, the Company supports STMC in conducting spraying or fogging activities around the hotel environment so that the surrounding area is also free from pets and diseases. The company also fully supports the safety program carried out by STMC by installing safety banners for the community around the PrimeBiz hotel in collaboration with the Public Relations Division of East Java Regional Police.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility in the Field of Social and Community Development.


    The Company fully realizes that one of the factors of the success of the Company in carrying out its business is due to the support of the community around the Company’s business environment. Therefore, the Company continues trying to faster good relations with the community, which is a fundamental foundation for the long-term success of the Company.

    Program and Activitiy

    The implementation of the Company’s social reponsibility in the social aspect is directed towards program that can provide benefits to the community in locations around the Company’s business environment. In managing all aspects of operational activities, the Company has a commitment to always provide positive benefits on social and community development, so that the Company’s operations have more value for the community.
    The Company fully supports the social activities program carried out by STMC as the manager of the PrimeBiz hotel, which provides an opporunity for local residents to conduct halal bihalal activities in the hotel builiding area, by providing place, meals and drinks.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Environment Responsibility For Products / Services And Consumers.


    Customer or business partners satisfaction is very important thing to be cared for and maintained by the Company in supporting sustainable business growth. The company always maintains a commitment to guarantee service quality and commitment to service for customers and business partners. This has become very important for the Company, to strengthen or increase the trust of customers of business parteners of the Company, for sustainable business continuity.

    Carried Out Program and Activity

    As a responsibility towards consumers or customers, the Company always gives space to every consumer or customer to submit complaints and inputs related to the Company. For this reason, the need for information or any complaints submitted by consumers or customers will be processed quickly and precisely based on applicable regulaions. The Company also provides channels for consumer or customer complaints through the Guest Comment Card.